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Mastering Git Basics by Tom Preston-Werner

Git is the distributed version control system that's taking the world by storm. The Linux kernel, Ruby on Rails, and now even Erlang/OTP have all chosen it as their VCS of choice. This talk will focus on mastering the handful of commands that comprise 90% of the functionality you will use on a day-to-day basis.

.Net Core API Development

NET Core API Development is a practical liveVideo course for developers new to building REST APIs on .NET core. You'll progress from the basics through to advanced concepts like security and custom authentication, then you'll put your new skills into practice by creating your own full-featured API in an interesting real-world example project.

Linux in Motion

Linux in Motion is your ticket to the world of professional Linux administration! Linux expert and professional educator David Clinton guides you through a unique learning experience integrating text, video, and interactive exercises.

Spark Screencasts (Youtube)

In this screencast, we (1) take a quick tour of the documentation available for Spark users online, (2) download and build Spark on a local machine (running OS X, but should be a similar process for Linux or Unix), and (3) Introduce the API using the Spark interactive shell to explore a file.

Intro to Tensorflow

This video is all about building a handwritten digit image classifier in Python in under 40 lines of code (not including spaces and comments). We'll use the popular library TensorFlow to do this.

Node JS Tutorial for Beginners

Yo ninjas, in this Node JS tutorial series for beginners, we'll be walking step by step through what Node JS is, and how it all works. We'll also be creating a Node JS application from scratch using express, and hook it up to MongoDB - a noSQL database perfect for using with Node.

Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners

Howdy gang. In this Git tutorial I'll explain why we should be using git for all of our projects - and the benefits of doing so. We can also use GitHub to host our repositories online, which is especially good for collaborating with other developers!

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