
Learn Inkscape from the best Inkscape tutorials, including the most popular Inkscape online courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs.

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Inkscape Official Tutorials

Here we want to make a collection of new official tutorials, officially-endorsed tutorials, and user-recommended tutorials, which have been provided by community members, and reviewed for content and presentation. Inkscape users can depend on them being of high quality.

A Crash Course in Inkscape

On January 30, 2015, Inkscape Version 0.91 was released to the world. That means new and updated features, plus an updated crash course. Much like the previous version of A Crash Course In Inkscape (version 0.48), this 0.91 version is geared to get you up and creating vector art with this free, open-source program. That means you'll learn the basics and some other useful techniques in Inkscape.