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Android Developer Fundamentals

These videos are a recording of the entire Android Developer Fundamentals training course, developed by Google Developer Training. The course is intended to be taught in class by an instructor. This video is provided as a reference for both instructors and students.

Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics

Develop the quantitative and managerial skills needed to analyze complex data sets and support data-driven business decisions. This online program provides a practical approach to deploying analytics in the areas of marketing, supply chain management, operations, and risk management.

Freedom of Speech and the Press

In the last 34 years I taught courses on freedom of speech and the press at the University of California at Berkeley, teaching thousands of undergraduates and graduate journalism students about the First Amendment.

JavaScript Tutorial by W3Schools

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language. JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you JavaScript from basic to advanced.

Bootstrap 3 Tutorial

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. This Bootstrap tutorial contains hundreds of Bootstrap examples.

Complete Beginners Guide to Content Strategy

In this article, we'll take a look at Content Strategy'that amalgamation of strategic thinking, digital publishing, information architecture and editorial process. Readers will learn where and when to apply strategy, and how to start asking a lot of important questions.

Data Analysis with R by Facebook (Udacity)

Exploratory data analysis is an approach for summarizing and visualizing the important characteristics of a data set. Promoted by John Tukey, exploratory data analysis focuses on exploring data to understand the data's underlying structure and variables, to develop intuition about the data set, to consider how that data set came into existence, and to decide how it can be investigated with more formal statistical methods.

Getting Started With Unreal Engine 4

Unreal Engine 4 is introducing many new developers & students into the industry, I'd like to help you out by providing an introduction into Unreal 4, useful developer resources, tutorials and essential tools whether you are starting out alone or with a group. Use this guide to get you kick started and familiar with some of the great resources the community has developed for new and veteran developers alike.

Parris Book List

At TCCIRL, Parris Lampropolous shared his copywriter reading list with all the attendees at the conference. He recommended that we read each book more than once� the first time read to get a feel for the book, the second time underline, the third copy notes into a notebook, and so on (watch his presentation in the TCCIRL videos for more details).