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She Did It Her Way

I help entrepreneurs like you who are ready to go all in and quit their 9-5 once and for all. I help you get clear on your goals, create a plan, and take massive action so that you can say goodbye to your 9-5

RMC Project Management

With RMC, you'll get the help you need to advance your career in project management. Our classes and products give you the essential skills to be a better project manager, and those skills can lead to your next job, promotion or project.

Sketch Tutorials

Sketch Master is a collection of video training courses for professionals learning sketch. The courses are fast-paced and focused on real projects and practical workflows'like designing app icons, mobile app interfaces, and SVG graphics.

Concise JavaScript

A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial/notes written for those entering the JavaScript world for the first time but already have experience with other languages


Welcome to SQLBolt, a series of interactive lessons and exercises designed to help you quickly learn SQL right in your browser.

A Beginner's Python Tutorial

When CivilizationTM IV (Firaxis Games, published by Take2) was announced, one of the most exciting features was that much of the scripting code will be in python, and the game data in XML. This tutorial attempts to teach you the basics of python programming that you could use with civIV.

Free Accounting Courses (edX)

Take online accounting courses from top institutions like Columbia, Maryland, New York Institute of Finance, and more. Learn about accounts payable, debits and credits, cash flow statements, revenue recognition, the accounting cycle, bank reconciliation, accounts receivable, accounting concepts, and more with online courses.

Django Tutorial | Tech With Tim

This series is designed to teach you how to use the web framework known as django! Django is a full stack web framework meant for rapid development of websites. Throughout this tutorial I will be walking you through how to create a fully functioning website.

eMarketing Institute _�_ Web Analytics Course

The beginning of the course is focused on explaining what web analytics is, how it all started, and how analytics changed over the years with the development of technology. You will also learn about true potential of web analytics and how you can use it to help your business grow.

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