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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Come Write With Us

In Come Write With Us, you'll learn the exact strategies and tools we've used to not only make money with our writing, but also write for some of the most well-known publications in the world, like the New York Times and National Geographic. This course isn't just for people who want to make money writing. It's for writers who want to make a career doing what they love.

From the Ground Up - Yoga for Complete Beginners

Over the course of 30 days, you will learn the basics of Yoga. This is not only the physical practice of stretching, but a COMPLETE YOGA PLAN. This includes; meditation and mindfulness, breathing exercises, motivational passages and philosophy, and of course, the basics of how to do Yoga poses, why we do them, and how they can help YOU.

Parenting Kids with ADHD

In this course, you'll learn how to let go and trust the process. You'll get to know your child in a much more meaningful and useful way. The real problems, and how to begin improving them, will become apparent to you.

How to Connect with Kids These Days

This course is for the parents and educators: our teachers, bus drivers, administrators, educational assistants, librarians, administrative assistants, and custodians. And anyone who leads, loves, and supports them. If that's you, I am so grateful you are here.

How to Grow Remarkable Kids

We show you how to teach life skills, invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find the joy and humor in everyday moments. The result: Capable, confident and remarkable kids (and parents).

How to Think and Write Like a Critic

Learn from top New York Times critics as they share personal stories that reveal their processes, approaches and best practices behind their reviews. Learn a new and fresh perspective on how to be critical, a skill that can propel you in both your personal and professional life.

How to Write a Non-Fiction Book

You will have a deep understanding of the business models of writing non-fiction, mindset issues around writing, the details of how to research, write and edit your book, dictation and productivity tips, as well as publishing, product creation, and marketing.

How to Write a Novel

From Idea to Finished Manuscript. Have you started writing only to run out of ideas? Are you suffering from self-doubt about whether you're good enough to write a novel? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the information and craft books out there? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you.

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