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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Linux Command Line Basics (Udacity)

We have built this course for beginners who have no experience with the Linux system and the command-line interface. In this course, you'll learn the basics of the command line interface of a Linux server: the terminal and shell (GNU Bash). This course includes an introduction to files and directories in the Linux filesystem.

Free Accounting Courses (edX)

Take online accounting courses from top institutions like Columbia, Maryland, New York Institute of Finance, and more. Learn about accounts payable, debits and credits, cash flow statements, revenue recognition, the accounting cycle, bank reconciliation, accounts receivable, accounting concepts, and more with online courses.

Microsoft 365

Whether you're new to Office or simply want to refresh your skills, you're in the right place. Our lessons offer a mix of text, video, interactives, and challenges to practice what you learn.

Free Human Resources Courses (Alison)

Alison's free online human resources courses will introduce you to the most important responsibilities of a human resource manager, as well as the most essential modern human resource management modern human resource management practices and procedures.

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