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Learning Java PrimeFaces (Linkedin Learning)

In this course, learn how to use PrimeFaces in your Java Enterprise Edition (EE) web application. Instructor Eyitayo Koleoso helps you get started by explaining how PrimeFaces differs from standard JSF. He also shares how to set up and configure PrimeFaces and goes over the broad categories of PrimeFaces components.

GIT Magic by Stanford

Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. Rather than go into details, we provide rough instructions for particular effects. After repeated use, gradually you will understand how each trick works, and how to tailor the recipes for your needs.

Algorithms in Motion

Algorithms in Motion introduces you to the world of algorithms and how to use them as effectively as possible through high-quality video-based lessons, real-world examples, and built-in exercises, so you can put what you learn into practice.

Angular for Java Developers: Part Three

In Angular for Java Developers Part Three: Building a real site you'll work hands-on to create a fully responsive, functioning front-end application using Angular. All examples are related to the kind of Java development you're familiar with, making it easy to expand your skills.

AWS in Motion

Packed with exercises and tutorials to try out, you can learn how to work with AWS in a way that makes sense: by working with AWS directly.

CSS in Depth in Motion

By mastering CSS, you can make your pages more attractive, your code more readable, and your life as a web developer easier. You'll be amazed what you can do without resorting to an external framework, modern CSS can handle a dizzying array of styles and effects all on its own, and this liveVideo course gets you there.

Docker in Motion

Docker in Motion teaches you how to create and manage container-hosted applications in Docker. With over 2 hours of hands-on, practical video lessons, you'll learn the ins and outs of Docker and discover how to apply what you've learned to your own day-to-day development.

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