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A virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

Have you found yourself asking, �what is design?� Sometimes the best way to understand design is to just dive in and experience it! We've pulled together this collection to help you get started on your design journey. Scroll down to see our NEW introductory online workshop, a library of FAQs about how design works, and some goto tools.

Revit Architecture Complete Training

Whether you work in machine learning or finance, or are pursuing a career in web development or data science, Python is one of the most important skills you can learn. Python's simple syntax is especially suited for desktop, web, and business

Learn InDesign The Fun Way

Our beginner InDesign tutorials walk you through the most essential InDesign skills, giving you the confidence to create and edit all kinds of designs and documents like a pro. Our step-by-step jargon-free instructions making learning InDesign a breeze.

Inkscape Official Tutorials

Here we want to make a collection of new official tutorials, officially-endorsed tutorials, and user-recommended tutorials, which have been provided by community members, and reviewed for content and presentation. Inkscape users can depend on them being of high quality.

The iOS Design Guidelines

Designing iOS apps can be difficult sometimes, but finding correct and up-to-date information about all of Apples' devices shouldn't be. These design guidelines will help any designer who's building neat things for iOS get started within seconds.

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