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30 Days of Swift

This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days of Swift project, after read his Medium post I made a decision to put my every single day to write Swift, this's the final code of 30 tiny Swift projects.

iOS Developer Roadmap

This is a tree-like compilation of topics highly relevant to iOS development. Both image and text version are generated from human readable content file.

Kubernetes The Hard Way

This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster. If that's you then check out Google Kubernetes Engine, or the Getting Started Guides.

Learn node interactively

This document is intended for readers who know at least a little bit of a couple of things: a scripting language like JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Perl, etc. If you aren't a programmer yet then it is probably easier to start by reading JavaScript for Cats. _ git and github. These are the open source collaboration tools that people in the node community use to share modules. You just need to know the basics.

Open Guides - AWS

This guide is by and for engineers who use AWS. It aims to be a useful, living reference that consolidates links, tips, gotchas, and best practices. It arose from discussion and editing over beers by several engineers who have used AWS extensively.

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