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Programming Ruby

This book is a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language. Use Ruby, and you'll write better code, be more productive, and enjoy programming more.

Core Ruby Programming

The Ruby Study Notes is a step-by-step tutorial to programming in Ruby and you can follow it page by page, reading the text and running the sample programs. There are no large applications here - just small, self-contained sample programs

100 Days of Swift

Learn Swift by building cool projects. Gain a solid foundation in Swift, Xcode, Programming Concepts, and iOS Development. 40 projects. 160 videos. Over 16 hours of Video. No programming experience required.

Ramsey Plus

Almost 6 million people have discovered the right way to manage money. We've made it easy with great courses like Financial Peace University. You'll learn the timeless principles of paying off debt, saving for emergencies, and investing in your future.

Python Tutorial | Devglan

In this tutorial, we will discuss about different built-in data types such as scalar types or numbers and collection types such as numbers, list, tuple, strings, set and dictionary in Python...

An Introduction to Managing DNS

In this series, we will cover the basic ideas behind DNS so that you feel comfortable working with it. Afterwards, we will walk through various ways that you can gain greater control over your domains and DNS resolution.

Getting Started with Linux

This tutorial covers getting started with the terminal, the Linux command line, and executing commands. If you are new to Linux, you will want to familiarize yourself with the terminal, as it is the standard way to interact with a Linux server.

Introduction to Git: Installation, Usage, and Branches

This series covers the installation and usage of git on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. After completing the series, the reader should feel comfortable installing and using git, as well as how to create two branches (master and develop) and how to merge code from the development stage to production.

Scaling Django

Django is a Python-based platform for building modern web apps. As with any platform, issues can arise with your need to scale and expand your user base. In this tutorial series, we will go over several strategies and best practices for scaling your Django app in a reliable, stable way.

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