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Free Human Resources Courses (Alison)

Alison's free online human resources courses will introduce you to the most important responsibilities of a human resource manager, as well as the most essential modern human resource management modern human resource management practices and procedures.

Learn Angular 2 Development

We're proud to announce this 100% free course, containing both video and written content, on getting started with Angular 2. This course is perfect for those who have never touched AngularJS or Angular 2.

Intro to JavaScript

Master the fundamentals of modern web development with Flatiron School's free JavaScript course. This course assumes no prior programming experience, starting you off with Javascript for beginners as you work through Javascript tutorials and exercises that reinforce your learning.

Free Budgeting Basics course

Have you found yourself overwhelmed and stressed when it comes to money? Maybe you know that you need to do something to get back in control of your finances, but you're not sure where to start. I'd like to help YOU and your family face your financial truth through my FREE 6 Day Budgeting Basics Email Course.

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