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R for Data Science: Lunchbreak Lessons (Linkedin Learning)

Programming is learned in small bits. You build on basic concepts. You transfer the knowledge you already have to the next language. Lunch Break Lessons teaches one of the most popular programming languages for data analysis and reporting'in short lessons that expand on what existing programmers already know.

R: Interactive Visualizations (Linkedin Learning)

Start by learning to manage packages and structure data for visualizations with the tidyverse and the pipe operator. Then there is an important question: Which library should you choose? The course introduces five popular options: Leaflet, Plotly, Highcharter, visNetwork, and DataTables (DT).

Learning From Data

This is an introductory course in machine learning (ML) that covers the basic theory, algorithms, and applications. ML is a key technology in Big Data, and in many financial, medical, commercial, and scientific applications.

Deep Learning Crash Course

In this liveVideo course, machine learning expert Oliver Zeigermann teaches you the basics of deep learning. With Oliver Zeigermann's crystal-clear video instruction and the hands-on exercises in this video course, you'll get started in deep learning using open-source Python-friendly tools like scikit-learn and Keras, and TensorFlow 2.0 (soon to be officially released with exciting new updates!).

Keras in Motion

Keras in Motion teaches you to build neural-network models for real-world data problems using Python and Keras. In over two hours of hands-on, practical video lessons, you'll apply Keras to common machine learning scenarios, ranging from regression and classification to implementing Autoencoders and applying transfer learning.

Reinforcement Learning in Motion

Reinforcement Learning in Motion introduces you to the exciting world of machine systems that learn from their environments. In this course, he'll break down key concepts like how RL systems learn, how to sense and process environmental data, and how to build and train AI agents.

Understanding Machine Learning with Python

Use your data to predict future events with the help of machine learning. This course will walk you through creating a machine learning prediction solution and will introduce Python, the scikit-learn library, and the Jupyter Notebook environment.

Data Science with R

Data science is becoming more and more valuable to the workplace and to the global economy. Learn how to use the practice of data science and the programming language R to transform your data into actionable insight.

Learn Python | Pluralsight

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability. It's a dynamically typed and garbage-collected language that supports structured, object-oriented, and functional programming.

Business Analytics Foundation With R Tools Tutorial

This is a tutorial about Business Analytics Foundation With R Tools offered by Simplilearn. The tutorial is part of the Data Science with R Language Certification Training course and will help understand the basics of data science and business analytics with types and learn its importance.

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