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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Product Design Manual

In this course, you'll learn to master digital product design through a series of self-paced video lessons, projects and 1-on-1 mentorship. You'll learn the entire process of User Experience Design and User Interface Design and how business and marketing decisions inform the product you create.

React Query - Essentials

In this course, you will learn how to wield React Query as your go-to weapon of choice for defeating and overcoming the challenges and hurdles of server state. You will learn to control your asynchronous data in your apps before it starts to control you.

How to Write a Bestseller

Suzy K Quinn reveals the secrets behind writing a book that readers will love _ from starting with a killer premise, title and tagline, all the way to editing and ensuring that your prose keeps your readers hooked from page to page (not to mention all the juicy tips and techniques you'll need in between).

Social Brilliant

Social Brilliant is a step-by-step guide for creating the most effective social media marketing for entrepreneurs. Designed by Laura Roeder, this course will teach you Laura's secrets for how she used social media marketing to create a 7-figure-per-year business.

Steve Chandler Coaching Prosperity School

All the tips, ideas, strategies and client-enrollment, practice-building principles made famous for over a decade in the live versions of the ACS (Advanced Client Systems) are now captured and thoroughly contained in this comprehensive, content-rich video and audio program featuring many hours of teaching directly from Steve Chandler and a stellar cast of super-successful coaches all of whom are graduates of this school.

The Curious Heart

Welcome to a learning journey that encourages you to reframe your relationship with thoughts, feelings, and core beliefs. It has been carefully designed to support and expand your knowledge of mindfulness and meditation. Influenced by a core Buddhist teaching - The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, blended with current neuroscience - a specific but inquisitive exploration begins.

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