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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Data Structures in Java

Data Structures in Java (Late 2017 Edition) is an action-packed 8 hours of tips and tricks that professional Java programmers have used for the past 20 years to produce code that is robust and fast. Every lecture is followed by a short quiz to test your learning. Sometimes the questions are easy, others require some research on your side.

React Query - Essentials

In this course, you will learn how to wield React Query as your go-to weapon of choice for defeating and overcoming the challenges and hurdles of server state. You will learn to control your asynchronous data in your apps before it starts to control you.

The Angular Firebase Project Course

The Angular Firebase PWA Course will teach you how to build a complex progressive web app with Angular 9 (ivy), Material Design, and Firebase. It starts from absolute basics and eventually culminates with the deployment of a server-rendered PWA on Google Cloud Run.

Intro to JavaScript

Master the fundamentals of modern web development with Flatiron School's free JavaScript course. This course assumes no prior programming experience, starting you off with Javascript for beginners as you work through Javascript tutorials and exercises that reinforce your learning.

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