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30 Days To Learn HTML + CSS Course (Youtube)

Even if your goal is not to become a web designer, learning HTML and CSS can be an amazing tool to have in your skill-set -- both in the workplace, and at home. If this has been on your to-do list for some time, why don't you take thirty days and join me?

C++ Tutorial

I asked everyone to tell me what tutorial they wanted and C++ won. In this tutorial I show you how to install C / C++ and NetBeans on both Windows and MacOS. I decided to use NetBeans because I think it is the best C++ IDE on every operating system.

Java Algorithms

Welcome to my Java Algorithms tutorial. In this series I will cover everything there is to know about Java algorithms and data structures.

HTML 5 Basics

In this video you will learn about HTML 5 new tags which can help us to create and speed up our website development and some of the tags are very use full to properly index and website into there search engines you can also learn about the HTML History.

Basic HTML

introduction to programming using html and css HTML consists of HTML elements, The web developer uses HTML tags to specify which elements go on a given page. you can use HTML tags to specify headings, paragraphs, lists, table, images and much more.

How to CSS in Website?

In This video you will learn about which are the type of css writing in HTML document and what are the properties of every type there are some types of css which is called Inline style second one is embedded style and third one is external style most of the usage of style type is external style because is very easy to override with embedded style and inline style.

CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native

This course picks up where Harvard University's CS50 leaves off, transitioning from web development to mobile app development with React Native, a popular open-source framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift.

Introduction to SQL (Computer Science)

In this Introduction to SQL Course, you will learn the essential queries needed to work with a relational database: How to create data (INSERT), change existing data (UPDATE), and find data (SELECT and JOINs). You will also learn how to choose a database, install PostgreSQL, speed up queries with indexes, and more.

Exploring Docker

In this video we will start to explore docker by talking about the benefits of Docker, looking at commands to work with containers and images, the Dockerfile and more

Vanilla JavaScript

In this crash course we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including more modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is the starting point on my channel for learning JS.

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