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C++ Introduction

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages. It is based on C but is an object-oriented programming language. It is widely used in graphics libraries, games, network devices, etc.

Ruby Introduction

Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose, open-source programming language. It is a very simple, friendly and easy to use programming language. Its creator, Yukihiro �Matz� Matsumoto has often said that he is �trying to make Ruby natural, not simple,� in a way that mirrors life.

Coding Blocks

We are a few guys who've been professional programmers for years. As avid listeners of podcasts and consumers of many things code-related, we were frustrated by the lack of quality programming (pun) available in listenable formats. Given our years of experience and real-world problem solving skills, we thought it might be worth getting into this world of podcasting and �giving back� a shot.

C Programming Tutorials

These tutorials include a series of well-written and tested tutorials for the C Programming language. It starts with the very basics explanations and will take you to the deeper levels of the programming concepts including data types, loops, functions, pointers, arrays, header files, file operations, IO operations, strings, console IO, etc.

Data Structures Tutorial

Data Structures and Algorithms play a major role in our programming world. Series of data structure topics like linked list, stack, queues, trees, graphs, etc. We have used very simple language and examples to help you better understand the problem.

Try Django 1.11

Learn the fundamentals behind one of the most popular web frameworks in the world: Django. We will teach you step-by-step how to implement concepts like Views, Template Rendering, Forms, Saving Data, URL routing, Deployment aka Going Live, and so much more.

C++ Tutorials

In this first C++ programming language tutorial we are going to look at the history of the C++ language. Many other programming languages are derived from the C language. Some did well and some did not. The languages Objective-C and C++ for instance are derived from the C language. Both languages add the �object oriented� element to the language C. One of the most recent languages, that used much of the C language, is Java.

C++ Tutorial | Cosmic Learn

C++ programs can be developed via an IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio IDE or NetBeans for C/C++. However for beginners it is recommended to start programming via a text editor like vi so that you can get a firm grasp of the concepts of the language. We have started this training module with a hello world program as displayed above.

C# Tutorial | Cosmic Learn

C# programs can be developed via IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio, SharpDevelop or MonoDevelop. However for beginners it is recommended to start programming via a text editor so that you can get a firm grasp of the concepts of the language. We have started this training module with a hello world program as displayed above. You can use the left hand navigation to jump directly to a C# module you are interested in.

Docker Tutorial

Docker is a Container Engine. A Container Engine sits on top of Operating System and Hardware. A Container Engine allows us to run Guest Applications on top of the Operating System. All Containers will share the Operating System resources.

GO Tutorial

Go language supports Garbage collection and Type safety. We can build go program using go build command. It will generate an executable file, which can then be run. For instance let us say we kept the above program in a file called cosmiclearn.go, we can build and run using the following commands. Don't fret, this is just an introduction. In the next chapter, we will look into how to install Go and setup your environment.

JavaScript Tutorial

All programming training in cosmiclearn.com will be started with a hello world module. You can use the left hand navigation to jump directly to a JavaScript module you are interested in.

Ruby Tutorial

All programming training in cosmiclearn.com will be started with a hello world module. You can use the left hand navigation to jump directly to a Ruby module you are interested in.

Building a Hacker News clone in Django

In this video tutorial series, I would take you through building a social news site called �Steel Rumors� from scratch in Django 1.5. In case you don't like videos and prefer to read the steps, you can find them here too.

Ruby on Rails (Rails 5)

Since its initial publication in 2010, the Ruby on Rails Tutorial has been one of the leading introductions to web development. In this bestselling tutorial, you'll learn how to develop and deploy real, industrial-strength web applications with Ruby on Rails, the open-source web framework that powers top websites such as Hulu, GitHub, Shopify, and Airbnb.

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