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Since 2004, PMTraining has provided students with professional, high-quality methods of preparing for popular career certifications, including the (PMP)�.

The Project Shrink

Last year I created a poster about projects: Your Big Adventure. I started to make cards about different things you do in projects. There are a total of 16 that together make a map. To have something to talk about.

Voices on Project Management

Voices on Project Management offers insights, tips, advice and personal stories from project managers in different regions and industries. The goal is to get you thinking, and spark a discussion

ProjectManagement.com Techniques Wiki

Here you can follow our bloggers and access our extensive archive of articles and deliverables. Moving forward, our contributors will continue to create content for ProjectManagement.com, including the Agileist and Driving Strategy newsletters.

Shell Scripting Tutorial

A Bourne Shell Programming / Scripting Tutorial for learning about using the Unix shell. Learn Linux / Unix shell scripting by example along with the theory. I'll have you mastering Unix shell scripting in no time.


Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes you inside the minds of some of the world's most unusual professionals to explore the science of making work not suck.


The No Asshole Rule was published 10 years ago. It focused on building civilized workplaces. Yet the most frequent question that it provoked were variations of "Help. I am dealing with an asshole (or a bunch of them), what do I do?"

A Girl's Guide to Project Management

A Girl's Guide to Project Management is a blog for project, programme and portfolio managers and project delivery professionals. It's published by Otobos Consultants Ltd, a copywriting and content marketing firm that provides specialist project management materials and advice to small and medium-sized businesses.

Free PM Templates

We're happy to share these free project management templates. They were created by an experienced, PMP� certified project manager at MyPM. They're designed to save project management time, trigger next steps and better organize the user. Every one of these templates are editable and can be easily modified to fit your project needs. They are organized below by the five PMBOK� process groups.

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