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Developing iOS 11 Apps with Swift

Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone and iPad platforms using the iOS SDK. User interface design for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multi-touch technologies. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller paradigm, memory management, Swift programming language.

Linux by HakTuts

LINUX is a Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution.

Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad by Stanford

Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone and iPad platform using the iOS SDK. User interface designs for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multi-touch technologies. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller paradigm, memory management, Objective-C programming language.

HTML Beginner Tutorial

HTML is where the magic of web page design begins. It isn't presentational ' that's what CSS is for ' HyperText Markup Language is a simple, elegant way to structure content.

Blockchain Deep Fundamentals

This course is for everyone who wants to get a firm understanding of the blockchain technology. Whether you are an entrepreneur, investor or developer - the knowledge you will get here will really give you a solid knowledge foundation you can rely upon when navigating the cryptocurrency landscape

Smart Contract Programming

First of all you will learn programming in Javascript and C++ from scratch, we will then continue by learning programming on Ethereum, NEM and EOS. This course is perfect for everyone who wants to really be part of the blockchain ecosystem by actually building it!

JavaScript Tutorials

Originally designed for adding small amounts of interactivity to a page (like hovers and animations - you know the kind of thing), JavaScript is now used for almost anything up to large applications and games, and can even be found in servers.

Core Java tutorial

This is the index post for Core Java tutorial for beginners as well as for experienced programmer. I have written Core Java tutorial from basic to advanced topics.It will definitely help you learn Java in the better way.

Design patterns in Java

Design patterns in java are best practices which are used to resolve some known issues. Design patterns can be divided into 4 different types. Here we have listed down some of the widely used design patterns in Java.

React in Patterns

A book about common design patterns used while developing with React. It includes techniques for composition, data flow, dependency management and more.

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