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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Responsive Web Design: Master Responsive CSS For Best User Experience

Complete this responsive web design course to master CSS and learn how to make a website mobile friendly and fit a screen of any size! The fun thing is, you do not need to know any basics before you start: by going through this responsive web design tutorial step by step, solving interactive lectures and working with amusing examples, you will quickly understand how to create a responsive website yourself!

Build a Node.js Project from Scratch

Node.js What's all the buzz about? Why are so many people talking about it? How can I get some of this awesome? Follow along in this workshop/tutorial to get your head wrapped around what it takes to make a Node project from scratch.

Golang Tutorials

Go is a Static typed popular programming language. To learn a new programming language, We must write a practical example by making use of features. This is an index page for all golang features like control statements -loops, if else, datatypes, data structures, classes, Conversions of one datatype to others,and objects.

SQL QuickStart Guide

The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL. The ubiquity of big data means that now more than ever there is a burning need to warehouse, access, and understand the contents of massive databases quickly and efficiently.

Learn JavaScript (Codecademy)

You will learn programming fundamentals and basic object-oriented concepts using the latest JavaScript syntax. The concepts covered in these lessons lay the foundation for using JavaScript in any environment.

Learn C# (Codecademy)

In this course, you'll be exposed to fundamental programming concepts using C# and start writing programs right away. You'll build several projects to help you practice and test your knowledge using quizzes.

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