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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Learn Git (Codecademy)

Git, simply put, is a tool to save versions of your code. This course will teach you a basic workflow and Git's core features, different ways to undo changes or save multiple versions of a project, and how to collaborate with other developers.

The Little Go Book

The Little Go Book is a free introduction to Google's Go programming language. It's aimed at developers who might not be quite comfortable with the idea of pointers and static typing. It's longer than the other Little books, but hopefully still captures that little feeling.

Learn Java (Codecademy)

In this course you'll be exposed to fundamental programming concepts, including object-oriented programming (OOP) using Java. You'll build 7 Java projects'like a basic calculator'to help you practice along the way.

Learn Ruby (Codecademy)

In this course, you will gain familiarity with Ruby and basic programming concepts'including variables, loops, control flow, and most importantly, object-oriented programming. You'll get a chance to test your understanding in a final project, which you'll build locally.

Learn SQL (Codecademy)

In this course, you'll learn how to communicate with relational databases through SQL. You'll learn'and practice with 4 projects'how to manipulate data and build queries that communicate with more than one table.

Learn Vue.js (Codecademy)

Upon completing the lessons in Learn Vue.js, you will be able to create and style forms that handle real-world, dynamic data. You'll have a grounding in how to set up Vue.js and how to utilize essential features of Vue to tackle complex front-end problems.

Make a Website (Codecademy)

You'll build four simple websites using web development fundamentals, including HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. You'll learn to understand and modify the structure of a basic website, as well as how to change the way a page looks and is laid out.

Become a Web Developer (Codecademy)

Go from no-code to an in-demand junior web developer, at a fraction of the cost of a bootcamp. Start with the front-end by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then, master the back-end and APIs to round out your full-stack skills.

Learn ReactJS (Codecademy)

You'll develop a strong understanding of React's most essential concepts: JSX, class and function components, props, state, lifecycle methods, and hooks. You'll be able to combine these ideas in React's modular programming style.

Coding Starter Kit

From answering the most basic programming questions to helping you figure out which language you should start with and free tutorials, the Coding Starter Kit is your one stop shop to learn programming.


CodeNewbie started as a weekly TwitterChat to connect people learning to code by Saron. Since then it's grown into a supportive, international community of people learning to code.

CSS Tutorial | CodeRepublics

CSS Tutorial: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is used to give a stylistic, beautiful and attractive look to a webpage. It is used with HTML to provide the webpage a stunning look and feel and can also be used with XML documents including plain XML, XML documents including plain XML, SVG, and XUL.

HTML Tutorial | CodeRepublics

If you are interested in developing websites, then, gaining an in-depth knowledge of HTML is the first step. We have created this Completely Free HTML Tutorial Course with simple examples for every topic. So, take this Complete HTML Tutorial for beginners, and start climbing the ladder of a beautiful Web Designing journey.

JavaScript Tutorial | CodeRepublics

JavaScript is an object-oriented language, i.e., it supports all object-oriented concepts like c++ or java. However, JavaScript is not related to the Java language in any way. So in this JS tutorial, we will cover all the basics and some advanced topics of JavaScript.

Try ASP.NET Core

In this course, ASP.NET Core Fundamentals, you will build your first application with ASP.NET Core from scratch. First, you will learn how to work with a database to display and edit data. Then, you will explore middleware, view components, and database migrations with the Entity Framework. Finally, you will delve into building an API controller, and see how to work with client-side libraries.

Learn Git

If you already have some experience with Git, then this is the training that will make you an expert. From a deep look at the fundamental commands, to the design of a distributed workflow, this training gives you a full overview of the Git toolset.

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