
Learn React from the best React tutorials, including the most popular React online courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs.
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Learn React for Free

Consider this course React 101 - this is the perfect starting point for any React beginner. You'll learn key React features while building two apps and practice what you learn through interactive coding challenges and exercises along the way.

React for Beginners

Learn React.js in just a couple of afternoons. A premium step-by-step training course to get you building real world React.js + Firebase apps and website components.

React Tutorial

Learn modern React from scratch, and practice in an intuitive environment. Throughout this course, you will build an online supermarket shopping app with Stripe integration.

React Tutorial: React in 20 Minutes

So you've probably heard that there is big hype for React these days. You're curious to find out what it is and why it has a high adoption rate. And you want to quickly learn how to build a simple page using React. If that sounds like you, this post is for you.

React in Patterns

A book about common design patterns used while developing with React. It includes techniques for composition, data flow, dependency management and more.

Learn React App

The goal of this tutorial is to quickly get you off the ground with React concepts. This tutorial has hands-on exercises which I consider to be the most important part of this tutorial.

React Query - Essentials

In this course, you will learn how to wield React Query as your go-to weapon of choice for defeating and overcoming the challenges and hurdles of server state. You will learn to control your asynchronous data in your apps before it starts to control you.