
Learn React from the best React tutorials, including the most popular React online courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs.
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React for Designers

Learn how to build a modern site using React and the most efficient libraries to get your site/product online. Get familiar with Grid CSS, animations, interactions, dynamic data with Contentful and deploying your site with Netlify.

React Express

This guide is intended for people who already know JavaScript. If you're new to JavaScript, or could use a refresher, consider first going through JavaScript Express. We'll assume a little knowledge of HTML and CSS, but even if you're not familiar with those, you should still be able to follow this guide.

What Is React?

This article is an introduction to React for beginners. It's the first post you'd want to read before learning the specifics of React. I'll explain the core ideas of React in plain English (and doodles _). No JavaScript experience? No problem! As long as you have some basic HTML knowledge (e.g. the format of an HTML tag), you should be able to enjoy this article.

Learn React & Redux

These 7 tutorials teach you how to build a feature-rich, scalable social network app using React and Redux. The first 6 tutorials are available today.

build with react

You've heard about this UI library called React and want to see what it's about. Or maybe someone told you to come here. Either way, I'll try my best to show and teach you React.