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At least for the time being, art is the primary way we experience dinosaurs. We can study bones and fossils, but barring the invention of time travel, we will never see how these animals lived with our own eyes. There are no photos or videos, of course, which means that if we want to picture how they look someone has to draw them.

Github Tutorial For Beginners

Github Tutorial For Beginners - learn Github for Mac or Github for windows If you've been wanting to learn Github, now's the perfect time! Github is seen as a big requirement by most employers these days and is very critical to business workflow. This Github tutorial will cover the basics of how to use Github and the command line

Android Developer Fundamentals

These videos are a recording of the entire Android Developer Fundamentals training course, developed by Google Developer Training. The course is intended to be taught in class by an instructor. This video is provided as a reference for both instructors and students.

Freedom of Speech and the Press

In the last 34 years I taught courses on freedom of speech and the press at the University of California at Berkeley, teaching thousands of undergraduates and graduate journalism students about the First Amendment.

JavaScript Tutorial by W3Schools

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language. JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you JavaScript from basic to advanced.