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Freedom of Speech and the Press

In the last 34 years I taught courses on freedom of speech and the press at the University of California at Berkeley, teaching thousands of undergraduates and graduate journalism students about the First Amendment.

Write yourself a Git!

This article is an attempt at explaining the Git version control system from the bottom up, that is, starting at the most fundamental level moving up from there. This does not sound too easy, and has been attempted multiple times with questionable success. But there's an easy way: all it takes to understand Git internals is to reimplement Git from scratch.

Mindful Moroccan

Mindful Moroccan offers simple recipes that fuel the body, balance mental health, focus on reducing waste in the kitchen, and emphasize the benefits and power of individual ingredients.

Java Tutorial

All programming training in cosmiclearn.com will be started with a hello world module. You can use the left hand navigation to jump directly to a Java module you are interested in.

PHP Tutorial

All programming training in cosmiclearn.com will be started with a hello world module. You can use the left hand navigation to jump directly to a PHP module you are interested in.

PHP Tutorial

Phptpoint's free Online PHP Tutorial has heaps of PHP Interview question and well-run Interview question with answer associated to core PHP, cake php, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Joomla etc. which can assist you to crack the Interview for the PHP developer.

MySQL Tutorial

MySQL tutorial of w3resource is a comprehensive tutorial to learn MySQL(5.6). We have hundreds of examples covered, often with PHP code. This helps you to learn how to create PHP-MySQL based web applications.

Java Tutorial from W3Schools

Explore this Java Tutorial from W3Schools. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.

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