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Machine Learning in Python | Ajay Tech

Wanted to learn Machine Learning from a live instructor online ? Register for this 45 hour instructor led, online course on Machine Learning in Python. Everything on this page is taught at 1 hour a day on weekdays. This course is designed for absolute beginner's in mind.

Angular Tutorials

Angular step by step tutorial covering from basic concepts of Angular Framework to building a complete Angular app using Angular Material components. We will go through the main building blocks of an Angular application as well as the best practices for building a complete app with Angular. Also, this tutorial shows how to setup your development environment and workflow so you can start developing Angular apps right away.

Kafka By Example

Hey there! This is Kafka by Example! This tutorial is for you if you've got some programming experience and if you're not too familiar with Kafka (v0.10.2.1).

Cloud Application Architecture Guide

Take a structured approach to designing your cloud applications. This cloud computing architecture e-book focuses on architecture, design, and implementation'considerations that apply no matter which cloud platform you choose.

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