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Intermediate Python

This book provides a reader with a holistic and in-depth knowledge of the Python language. It explains how methods and functions are related, how sequences can be created elegantly, the tools for functional programming, how user defined objects can be no different from Python objects and how one can control almost everything from import statements to class creation using meta-classes and decorators etc.

JavaScript Allonge, the "Six" Edition

JavaScript Allong_ teaches you how to handle complex code, and it also teaches you how to simplify code without dumbing it down. As a result, JavaScript Allong_ is a rich read releasing many of JavaScript's subtleties, much like the Caf_ Allong_ beloved by coffee enthusiasts everywhere.

Learn Web Development

Learn Web Development with Vegibit takes a deep dive into all the fundamentals of modern web development. You'll learn all about HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, WordPress, Laravel, Object Oriented Programming, Linux, and Virtualization!

Modern Web Development with Scala

A concise step-by-step guide to the Scala ecosystem This book takes a very practical approach to teaching Scala. It begins by showing you just enough basics to get started and then guides you through the process of building a technology-packed real-world Web application using popular backend and frontend technologies. Overall, the book provides a great introduction to the Scala ecosystem.

Creative Writing: A Master Class

Delve into the world of creative writing and hone your skills and knowledge on the craft with Creative Writing: A Master Class eCourse. Featuring a multi-media eTextbook, Creative Writing: Learning from the Masters, and nearly 40 audio and video podcasts containing unique insights from more than 30 authors, this course pulls back the curtain on the writing process.

Painless Docker

Painless Docker is a practical guide to master Docker & its ecosystem with real world examples. This book is a detailed guide to create, deploy, optimize,secure, trace, debug, log, orchestrate & monitor Docker, Docker clusters & modern Docker-based microservices from development to production.

Into to Apache Spark

This free module describes what you will learn in these lessons, the instructor's experience with Hadoop and Spark, and what you will be able to do with what you learn.

Introduction to JavaScript | FreeCodeCamp

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that all modern web browsers support. It is also one of the core technologies of the web, along with HTML and CSS that you may have learned previously. This section will cover basic JavaScript programming concepts, which range from variables and arithmetic to objects and loops.

Create with Code | Unity

In this official course from Unity, you will learn to Create with Code as you program your own exciting projects from scratch in C#. As you iterate with prototypes, tackle programming challenges, complete quizzes, and develop your own personal project, you will transform from an absolute beginner to a capable Unity developer.

Photoshop and Autodesk 3DS Max Tutorials

This entire step-by-step Tutorial/Course takes users through the Amazing intricacies of Lighting, Shading, Texturing, Rendering, and the Post Production of Photorealistic scenes; while using 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop (similar post-production techniques can also be used in After Effects) .

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