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A Guide to Git and Github

A beginner friendly guide to using git and working with Github.com. This book is for the absolute beginner and provides a gentle introduction to git and Github. Get a jump start using git on your projects, and learn how to push those projects to Github.com. This book is required reading as part of the course work at Launch School.

Object Oriented Programming with Ruby

Learn the basic foundational building blocks of object oriented programming, starting from the very beginning. Existing developers will be able to quickly pick up Ruby syntax and idioms, while new programmers will enjoy a smooth introduction to OOP concepts. This book is required reading as part of the course work at Launch School.

Introduction to Programming with Ruby

Learn the basic foundational building blocks of programming, starting from the very beginning. Existing developers will be able to quickly pick up Ruby syntax, while new programmers will enjoy a smooth introduction to programming concepts. This book is required reading as part of the course work at Launch School.

Introduction to SQL

Learn the basics of Structured Query Language, and understand how to manipulate and query data in modern relational databases. This book is required reading as part of the course work at Launch School.

Mastering Advanced Scala

This book goes beyond simple Scala usage and covers some advanced topics. It explores techniques that are usually considered non-trivial and shows their use in real projects. We cover type classes, iteratees, category theory and look at some purely functional libraries. If you already know Scala but want to go deeper, this is the book for you

Modern Web Development with Scala

A concise step-by-step guide to the Scala ecosystem This book takes a very practical approach to teaching Scala. It begins by showing you just enough basics to get started and then guides you through the process of building a technology-packed real-world Web application using popular backend and frontend technologies. Overall, the book provides a great introduction to the Scala ecosystem.

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