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iOS Tutorial

Here we will learn complete iOS tutorial with examples. In iOS tutorial, we covered topics like basics of ios, ios UI controls, ios UI views, ios UI bars, ios graphics, storyboards, gamekits, location services, audio & video players, etc. in a detailed manner with examples.

Node.JS Tutorial

Here we will learn complete node.js tutorial with examples. In node.js tutorial, we covered topics like node.js npm, node.js callbacks, node.js generators, nodejs buffers, node.js streams, node.js modules, node.js globals, node.js events, etc. for beginners and experienced with examples.

Swift Tutorial

Here we will learn complete swift tutorial with examples. In swift tutorial, we covered topics like swift basics, swift collection types, loops, conditional statements, closures, properties, methods, etc. for beginners and experienced with examples.

TutorialBrain HTML Tutorials

This is the introduction to HTML tutorial and as you move further, you will notice that we have covered complete HTML from very basic to the advanced level and this tutorial is full of examples and references.

JavaScript Tutorial | Tutorial Republic

This JavaScript tutorial series covers all the fundamental programming concepts, including data types, operators, creating and using variables, generating outputs, structuring your code to make decisions in your programs or to loop over the same block of code multiple times, creating and manipulating strings and arrays, defining and calling functions, and so on.

jQuery Tutorial | TutorialRepublic

This jQuery tutorial series covers all the features of the jQuery, including its selector mechanism, event handling system, as well as, effect methods to create interactive user interface features like showing and hiding elements, animating the elements on a web page, etc.

SQL Tutorial | TutorialRepublic

This SQL tutorial series covers all the fundamental concepts of SQL language, such as creating database and tables, using constraints, adding records to a table, selecting records from a table based on different conditions, updating and deleting records in a table, and so on.

Games With Go

A video series that teaches programming via a series of small game related projects. The focus is on learning programming fundamentals, and having fun. Games with Go is open to all ages, and geared for beginners, though experienced programmers looking to learn gamedev basics will also get a lot out of it.

C - Geeks for Geeks

C is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie as a system programming language to write operating system. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style, these features make C language suitable for system programming like operating system or compiler development.

Go Language Programs

Golang is designed by computer science heavyweights for solving real-world problem. Golang is an optimization language it is used by Uber and Google for its mapping, Netflix for having streaming. Golang is a statically and fast-compiled language that is designed to be used with multicore architecture for efcient memory utilization.

C++ Annotations

This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++.

Javascript Enlightenment

The contents of this book are for developers who are working in a codebase using modern React, Vue, or Angular code and find recent JavaScript language updates/proposals to be causing too much indirection. And or, developers who want to drill into memory the latest and most commonly used JavaScript updates.

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