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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

A virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

Have you found yourself asking, �what is design?� Sometimes the best way to understand design is to just dive in and experience it! We've pulled together this collection to help you get started on your design journey. Scroll down to see our NEW introductory online workshop, a library of FAQs about how design works, and some goto tools.

Berkeleys Extension website

Trained project managers are in high demand across multiple industries, including tech, health care, product management, design and more. Study project management practices that you can apply at work the next day with our fully online certificate program. You'll learn from working instructors with extensive experience, and work in teams to develop hands-on problem-solving techniques.

The Angular Firebase Project Course

The Angular Firebase PWA Course will teach you how to build a complex progressive web app with Angular 9 (ivy), Material Design, and Firebase. It starts from absolute basics and eventually culminates with the deployment of a server-rendered PWA on Google Cloud Run.

Intro to JavaScript

Master the fundamentals of modern web development with Flatiron School's free JavaScript course. This course assumes no prior programming experience, starting you off with Javascript for beginners as you work through Javascript tutorials and exercises that reinforce your learning.

Digging Into Node.js

In this course, you'll get to know the fundamental concepts in Node.js: CLI programming, file system access, asynchrony, streams, HTTP servers & routing, database persistence, and child processes.

Learn React Native

Examples in this course allow you to get started quickly and see your changes immediately in React Native using Expo, or use pure React Native standalone if you prefer. By then end of the course, you'll be able to ship your very own native mobile applications!

TypeScript Fundamentals

Learn Typescript features such as abstract classes, interfaces, enums and more -- these features increase your ability to fix errors fast, and work alongside modern frameworks like React, Ember.js and Angular 2.

Revit Architecture Complete Training

Whether you work in machine learning or finance, or are pursuing a career in web development or data science, Python is one of the most important skills you can learn. Python's simple syntax is especially suited for desktop, web, and business

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