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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Programming in C

Learn the programming fundamentals required for a career in data science. By the end of the program, you will be able to use R, SQL, Command Line, and Git.

Advanced Data Structures

MIT 6.851 Advanced Data Structures, Spring 2012 "Persistence" - remembering all past versions of a data structure ("partial persistence"), being able to modify them - forking off new ones ("full persistence"), and merging different versions into one ("confluent persistence").

Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals

Learn Vue.js 2.0 with this tutorial series. The series starts off with the basics and how to get started with Vue.js and then moving into more advanced functionality. Then we will make a full project using Vue.js and finally make a larger project where we tie Vue into the backend of a larger framework like Laravel.

Unreal engine VFX Tutorials

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Skull Aura in unreal engine. you will learn every step for this effect texture, materials, mesh and emitters. For any concern comment below the video or create help thread in CGHOW form (discussion & help forum link below)

Django Tutorials

Learn Django in this video by following along as I show you how to build a simple hello world app and then a guestbook app that uses the templates, models, and form functionality with Django. Django is a huge library, so this video doesn't cover everything, but if you're new to Django or want to see how Django v2.0 is different,

Learning GitHub

This is the first video in the series on learning how to use GitHub. It covers just the basics that you need to get setup and started using GitHub to manage and backup your projects.

Learning React JS

This video explains how you can get started setting up to build a React JS App. This is the first video in the React playlist. I will be using version 16.x of React for these tutorials.

JavaScript Events

What are Event Listeners? What does Event-driven programming mean? How can I use event listeners to control user interactions on my web pages, in my web apps, and in my mobile hybrid apps?

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