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Introduction to SQL (Computer Science)

In this Introduction to SQL Course, you will learn the essential queries needed to work with a relational database: How to create data (INSERT), change existing data (UPDATE), and find data (SELECT and JOINs). You will also learn how to choose a database, install PostgreSQL, speed up queries with indexes, and more.

Exploring Docker

In this video we will start to explore docker by talking about the benefits of Docker, looking at commands to work with containers and images, the Dockerfile and more

Vanilla JavaScript

In this crash course we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including more modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is the starting point on my channel for learning JS.

Full Stack Vue.js, Express & MongoDB

In this 3 part series we will build a small app using Vue.js on the client, Express on the backend and MongoDB for our database and we will deploy to Heroku. The point of this series is to see how it all comes together

Blender Beginner Tutorial Series (Youtube)

Interested in learning 3d animation, gaming, VR or 3d printing but don't know where to start? This video will give you an introduction to the topic of 3D from a complete beginners perspective, and explain why (IMO) all beginners should start with Blender.

Blender Video Editing 2.7X Series

This is the introductory video to my updated tutorial series on using the freely available, cross platform, Blender program. This series is designed to help novice users learn to utilize Blender to create state of the art YouTube videos.

Design Patterns in C++

Factory Design Pattern is very basic design pattern and it is one of the creational design pattern. In this design pattern we create a factory method and we pass type to this method and it returns that type's object.

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