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Core Java tutorial

This is the index post for Core Java tutorial for beginners as well as for experienced programmer. I have written Core Java tutorial from basic to advanced topics.It will definitely help you learn Java in the better way.

Design patterns in Java

Design patterns in java are best practices which are used to resolve some known issues. Design patterns can be divided into 4 different types. Here we have listed down some of the widely used design patterns in Java.

Learn Kubernetes Basics (official docs)

This tutorial provides a walkthrough of the basics of the Kubernetes cluster orchestration system. Each module contains some background information on major Kubernetes features and concepts, and includes an interactive online tutorial. These interactive tutorials let you manage a simple cluster and its containerized applications for yourself.

Git Me Some Version Control

Version Control can be a mysterious thing at first. Why exactly do I need this?? Before long, though, you depend on it with your life. If you're new to this world, let me help!

The PHP Practitioner

We all start somewhere. When it comes to web development with PHP, well, your first stop is this series. Designed specifically and exclusively for beginners, here, you'll learn the fundamentals of PHP - all the way down to defining variables and arrays

Clean Architectures in Python

What is a good software architecture? Why should we bother structuring the code and spending time testing it? If you like spending hours debugging your programs or staying late at the office to recover from a buggy deploy in production this book is definitely NOT for you!

Essential TypeScript

Join experienced coder, Jess Chadwick, as he explores the world of TypeScript. Starting with the basics and fundamental ECMAScript 2015 features that TypeScript expands upon, Jess shows you all the ways that TypeScript allows you to bring your JavaScript development to the next level.

Intermediate Python

This book provides a reader with a holistic and in-depth knowledge of the Python language. It explains how methods and functions are related, how sequences can be created elegantly, the tools for functional programming, how user defined objects can be no different from Python objects and how one can control almost everything from import statements to class creation using meta-classes and decorators etc.

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