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Find the best courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs to learn a new skill

Angular Fundamentals

Kick your Angular skills into action with this comprehensive dive into Angular and getting started the right way. Complete with best practices and architecture practices.

The Vue.js Master Class

This course is our signature course. It is probably the most thorough Vue.js course available online. The Vue.js Master Class is so comprehensive that we cannot cover everything on this page. Thus we've created a separate page where you can learn more about it.

Vue.js + Firebase Realtime Database

This Vue.js course will teach you how to use Firebase Realtime Database in your vue.js applications. The example app is a realtime chat room, and our goal is to make sure all online users get updates in realtime whenever a message is added, edited or deleted.

Vuex for Everyone

This Vue.js course is based on the official Vuex example. We'll create a shopping cart with Vue and progressively discover and learn about Vuex features by replacing pieces of the application with mutations, getters, and actions.

Fundamentals of UX Design

Sarah Kahn, UX Engineer for Adzerk, is here to demystify user experience and walk you through the process! Get the insider's guide to working with clients, getting user feedback, and much more.

A Complete Python 3 Tutorial

Python is one of the most widely used programming language in current trend. This is a complete Python (updated to Python 3.7) course where you can learn Python from scratch. It covers almost all aspects of Python prgramming language from a professional development perspective.

C# Programming Basics for Beginners

C# is one of the widely used true object oriented programming language. C# along with Microsoft .Net framework provides a platform to build a variety of applications for Web, Windows, Native Mobile apps and many more. This course is for the ones who want to learn the basic fundamentals of C# programming and get started with C#.

C# Intermediate Course Witscad

This C# course is designed for those who have some basic knowledge about C# language and want to learn more about doing the object-oriented programming in C#. This course focuses on different aspects of object-oriented programming in C# like classes, objects, structures, overloading, inheritance, interfaces and other concepts like file and exception handling.

Learning from Data - Caltech

This is an introductory course in machine learning (ML) that covers the basic theory, algorithms, and applications. ML is a key technology in Big Data, and in many financial, medical, commercial, and scientific applications.

American Graphics Institute Training

Creative Cloud is a group of applications and services from Adobe for creating design, marketing, and communications content. Learn to use these tools with in-person Creative Cloud classes, private Creative Cloud training, and live online Creative Cloud courses.

Building a Scalable Web App on AWS

This guide exists in two parts. You're reading Part 1, where I'll focus on the high-level concepts in AWS and how to put together an AWS architecture. In Part 2, our focus will be on DevOps and maintaining the infrastructure.

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