Resources by Type


Simulation Lab

In this 3ds Max + TyFlow tutorial, we explore a simple procedural workflow of converting a TyActor mesh into cloth, so we can deform the mesh while the actor's animation is still playing.

Learn Python for Data Science

Welcome to the 1st Episode of Learn Python for Data Science! This series will teach you Python and Data Science at the same time! In this video we install Python and our text editor (Sublime Text), then build a gender classifier using the sci-kit learn library in just about 10 lines of code.

Intro to Tensorflow

This video is all about building a handwritten digit image classifier in Python in under 40 lines of code (not including spaces and comments). We'll use the popular library TensorFlow to do this.

Python OOP Tutorials

Python Object-Oriented Tutorials. In this series, we will be learning how to create classes in Python, and also the best practices for working with these classes. We will go over class/instance variables, inheritance, getters/setters, and much more.

Spark Screencasts (Youtube)

In this screencast, we (1) take a quick tour of the documentation available for Spark users online, (2) download and build Spark on a local machine (running OS X, but should be a similar process for Linux or Unix), and (3) Introduce the API using the Spark interactive shell to explore a file.